Documentation Required for Number Plates
To process your number plate order, please send the required documentation to:
Documents to Show Entitlement to the Registration Number (ONE ONLY):
- Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5C)
- New Keeper Supplement (V5C/2)
- Certificate of Entitlement (V750)
- Retention Document (V778)
- Renewal Reminder for Vehicle Tax or SORN (V11 or V11NI)
- Temporary Registration Certificate (V379)
- Number Plate Authorisation Certificate (V948) with an official stamp from the DVLA or DVSA
- Electronic Number Plate Authorisation Certificate (eV948)
- Letter of Authorisation from a fleet operator (including lease or hire companies) referencing the document number from the V5C
- Record of insurer’s name, reference, and policy numbers (for repairs approved by an insurance company)
- If your fleet is part of the new V5C on demand scheme (‘V5C suppression’), please provide a PDF of the vehicle’s details from the View Vehicle Record service.
Documents to Confirm Your Name and Address (ONE ONLY):
- Driving Licence (photo or non-photo, does not have to be UK-issued)
- Utility Bill, Council Tax, or Rates Bill from Northern Ireland (issued within the last 6 months)
- Bank or Building Society Statement (issued within the last 6 months)
- National Identity Card (issued by a government outside the UK)
The Following Will Confirm Your Name Only:
- Passport (does not have to be UK-issued)
- Bank or Building Society Debit or Credit Card
- Police Warrant Card
- Armed Forces Identity Card
Thank you for your cooperation!